The Harbinger II: The Return by Jonathan Cahn


The Harbinger II Bodes Bodacious…

The most compelling aspect of The Harbinger II: The Return by Jonathan Cahn for me as a novelist is how the tale of modern day Old Testament prophecy is configured by the author.

I liken this structure of the novel to my own Rapture Series III work-in-progress that seeks to complete the New Testament Book of Revelation through similar means employed by Cahn in his rather remarkable analogy between divine judgment of Ancient Israel and the rise of America, its ongoing collapse and the promise America holds for triumphant return to supernatural power.

Although the historical detail in the The Harbinger II is Ancient Israel-centric in its parallel to the origins and current condition of New York City, Boston and Washington D.C., the ZEITGEIST captured in the novel is of kindred spirit to that which pervades my own Rapture III, whether it’s the comparison between global COVID-19 lockdown and The Passover decreed by Moses in Ancient Egypt or the biblical 9/11 connection to the formation, destruction and revival of America itself.

Ultimately, Cahn’s Messianic Jewish conclusion of the novel is compelling for its statement of apocalyptic mysticism, which underscores the relevance of the book for me specifically because I, too, find myself empowered to write about the most dynamic and visceral collapse of civilization through the filter of the literature and wisdom traditions that foretell of our demise and resurrection.

I highly recommend The Harbinger II for these reasons, plus the fact that the history upon which Cahn writes about is unfolding all around us even as these words are written and read.